Williams, Jamie- EL Title 1
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- Shepherd School District
- What is Title I?
Shepherd's Title 1 Program
Our Title 1 program serves students in kindergarten through fifth grade. Title 1 instructors and the regular classroom teachers work together to meet the needs of ALL students. Title 1 instructors provide the necessary tools and knowledge to support students in becoming better readers and math students.
Shepherd Elementary is a school-wide Title 1 school and is a federally funded program that provides support to students who need supplemental assistance to succeed in the regular classroom. The school's eligibility to receive funding is determined by the number of students enrolled in the free and reduced lunch program. For an entire school to qualify for Title 1 funds, at least 40% of students must enroll in the free and reduced lunch program.
The Title 1 program is designed to provide students with extra help in an effort to bring up their academic skills in reading and math to grade level standard or above. The ultimate goal of Title 1 is to provide students with the skills needed to succeed in their regular classroom.
Title 1 Services
- Inclusion-Students receive assistance in the regular classroom
- Pull-out/Small Group-Students receive small group instruction with others that have similar needs
- One-on-One Assistance- Students may receive individualized instruction
Student Eligibility
Students are referred to Title 1 based on the following criteria:
- Performance on state-wide assessment (CRT)
- Performance on district assessments (AIMSweb, MAPs)
- Classroom Performance (Curriculum -Area Standards, Accelerated Math)
- Teacher Referral
Students receive Title 1 on a yearly basis.