• Shepherd High School
    Student Council
    Show Your Shepherd Spirit! 
    Show Your Pride with Blue & Gold !!
    Shepherd Student Council works to improve the spirit of students through activities, contests and school improvements that influence a student's everyday life at SHS.
    Butter Braids Fund Raiser - 2021 Update -
    Students are out and selling Butter Braids Now!!! 

    Students if your name is not on the list of sellers register here -> Seller Registration Here

    Sales can also be done online from the school website or the school's Face Book page. There is a convenience fee for using this service.
    Sales run from January 25 to February 5. 
    Students will begin delivering products on February 16, 2021. 

    Purpose of the profits made include making a student gathering courtyard between the current high school wing and the new lunchroom in the new addition. 

    What Has Student Council Done Lately? 
    • Sanded and restored the trophy cases in the lobby
    • Painted the High School Lobby - And it LOOKS GREAT!
    • Placed directional signs in the lobby
    • Had the Mascot Professionally Updated! He's Gorgeous too!
    • Had a Mustang Sign of Steel Made for our Lobby
    • Placed trophies on the hallway walls
    • Clean and organize trophies in the cases (yearly)
    • Pay to have the Activity Banners in the Gym Updated
    • Activity Banners in the Gym were purchased by Student Council
    • A water fountain bought for the lobby that fills bottles
    • Bought a TV monitor for announcements that is placed in the main hall

    Student Council is always looking for ways to make life at SHS a better place. If you have an idea or suggestion please bring it to the Student Council. 

    President- Adria Gertsch (2021)
    Vice President - vacant 
    Secretary - vacant
    Treasurer - vacant