Welcome to Agriculture Education
with Mrs. Stacy Dietz
Agricultural Education is a sequential set of course offerings for students in grades 7-12. The program is designed to develop knowledge, skills, attitudes, and experiences in and about agriculture. Ag Ed prepares students for further education, self-employment, entry-level jobs, and consumer awareness in the agriculture industry. Vocational Agriculture, as it was formerly called, was started in Montana in 1917 with the passing of the federal Smith-Hughes Vocational Act. Curriculums in Ag Ed may contain: Ag Business, Animal Science, Aquaculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Leadership, Mechanics, Natural Resources, Plant Science, and Wildlife Management. Most programs consist of three major components: classroom and laboratory instruction, supervised agricultural experiences (SAE) and membership in the FFA. Quality programs are conducted on a year-round basis with students actively engaged in educational activities
over the summer months.
Courses Currently Offered:
Agriculture Education 1
Agriculture Education 2
Agriculture Education 3 & 4
Ag Construction
Jr. High Wood Shop & Jr. High Intro to Agriculture
6th Grade Exploring Agriculture