- Shepherd School District
- Overview
Bobby TrotterTransportation DirectorShepherd School District
Update- Dec 2024- Please do not ask to have your child placed on a different bus to ride home with a friend or for any other reason, except for an emergency. We are unable to accommodate such requests. Parents with emergency situations only may call the Transportation Office to request bus changes. Thank You!
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! We are excited about seeing everyone again and welcome our new students!
We will be running 8 routes this year-Buses 2-9. At this time, Bus 1 was absorbed and is unlikely to be reinstated.
That means we remain full on all the buses and have made many changes to see that everyone is transported safely!
If your child is now driving, please let me know asap so we can open up the seat. Additionally, starting this year, we will not be automatically rolling over HS bus assignments for all 11th and 12th grade students. The vast majority are already driving and we have no room on the bus rosters for "ghost riders". These will be unassigned from a route, but If you need bus service for your 11th/12th grade student, it is still available. Just fill out the bus request form below and we will assign a seat for them.
We are not able to "save a seat" for any reason so please make arrangements to either have your child on the bus a minimum of 3 days a week, if possible.
We understand that sports, activities, after school clubs etc will cause students to miss days or weeks on end while they participate, and that's fine. Feel free to call me if you have any questions!
Please take a moment and review the bus route maps as they have changed. The Equestrian subdivision has switched to bus 4 and Frey rd stops are moved to Bus 2. Bus 8 stops are now running in a different order and times will be changed from previous years..
With the school extending the afternoon end times, all routes in the PM will have adjusted stop times of +5 to + 15 Minutes later.
Elementary and Kindergarten parents: Last year we implemented scan card tracking on all the routes, and it went pretty well. We were able to track all riders quickly when needed and drivers also took a roll when they entered the bus.
The only issue we have is students losing and destroying cards. The cards do not function if they are bent, chewed on, placed in a washer/dryer etc. Please make sure your child understands that they need to take care of the card. Students that continue to lose or disable cards may be charged for replacements.
If you or anyone you know is interested in a driving position, please contact me @ r-trotter@shepherd.k12.mt.us
or 406-373-5331. We offer a minimum of 4 hrs/ day with more available. The salary range is $17.82-$ 21.18 per hour for route drivers with additional pay at the 10,15,20,25 year marks. Sub drivers are $18.90/Hr.
No CDL? We can help and offer paid training.
Thank you and I hope you all had a great summer!
Bobby Trotter
Transportation Director
Shepherd School District
Transportation # 406-373-5331
Email r-trotter@shepherd.k12.mt.us
Parents of Kindergartners and new students:
Please make sure you lable EVERYTHING to insure it isnt lost. Every day we find coats, gloves, lunch boxes etc left on the bus.
Please make sure your child know thier full name (and if possible address) and that it is ok to answer when school employees (Bus Drivers) ask for it or call out while searching the bus for students. The 1st few weeks we are still learning everyones name and it is helpful if they know it!
Thank you and I hope you all have a great School Year!
If you have ANY questions, please feel free to call me @ 406-373-5331. Thank You!
Bobby Trotter
Transportation by school bus is not mandatory. This service is provided for those who wish to ride under the terms set up.
The following information for parents and students states the regulations governing riding. Non-compliance may be met by refusal to transport. It is expected that all concerned will read this bulletin, and in case there are questions, ask for an explanation in order that there be no misunderstanding.
Information regarding school bus service may be obtained by calling:
Shepherd Schools Transportation Office
373-5300 High School 373-5331 Transportation Supervisor
373-5873 Jr. High School
373-5516 Elementary School
The transportation program is set up to provide bus service.
The Trustees of School District #37 shall review all bus routes yearly. Changes will be made in accordance with State of Montana rules and regulations. The most economical and feasible routes with maximum service to the residents of School District #37 will be the policy. Request for changes in bus routes must be made by May 15th of each year.
1. The school transportation program is not a taxi service for students, parents, or unauthorized persons. Buses will not operate over roads that are not properly maintained, or on private lanes leading to and from the residence to the highway, or on roads where adequate turn-around's are not provided.
District policy is that all buses will have turn-around's instead of having to back up
2. Parents/Students will be issued a copy of the Transportation Parent/Student handbook at the beginning of each school year or when registering. It is expected that each parent review the bus/transportation rules with their children to insure they understand the rules and also the consequences of violating the transportation policies. Violations will be addressed on a case by case basis and will be subject to progressive discipline, up to and including refusal to transport.
3. Buses, which are school owned, will meet the Montana State Highway Patrol inspections. Drivers will be certified according to regulations of the State of Montana and the Office of Public Instruction.
4. The School District reserves the right to discontinue this service when the bus available is loaded to less than 50% of capacity.
5. All buses are outfitted with digital recording devices on both the interior and exterior.
The bus operation will be similar to the plan followed last year. Buses, which meet the State Highway Patrol inspection, will be used and drivers will be certified according to regulations of the Montana Office of Public Instruction.