phone- 373-5300 ext 163
Hello! I am enjoying teaching Physical Science and Biology here at Shepherd High, and I am looking forward to the rest of the year. As time passes I will post more information, including course descriptions, lesson plans, resources and other miscellaneous but interesting stuff. But, for now, I wanted to explain a little about how my classes are organized and how I post grades.
-All of my assignments are posted in Google Classroom. Students can see what assignments have been assigned (or what they are missing) by going to their class in Classroom.
-All assignments (unless specifically noted otherwise) are handed in digitally in Classroom. There may be some assignments that need to be handwritten and turned in, but that happens only occasionally. All grades, no matter the assignment, are first posted in Classroom and then transferred to Power School.
-My expectations are that each student keeps track of their assignments and grades and lets me know of any mistakes or discrepancies as soon as possible. As per policy, assignments that are missed will be 0's in the gradebook, unless there are circumstances that warrant a redo or a late assignment.
If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact me.
Wes Coy