
    Mrs. Davis

    Elementary Physical education teacher



    K, 1, 2, 3- each have three classes so on a three class rotation. One day for 30 min every third day.

    4, 5 – each have three classes so on a three class rotation. one time a week for 45 min

    7, 8- every day from 9:00am-9:49am/12:06pm-1:14pm


    Behavior plan for P.E.


    First time breaking the rules: 10 Pushups/Sit ups


    Second Time breaking rules: 20 Pushups/Sit ups


    Third time breaking rules: 30 pushups and Refocus slip


    Fourth time breaking rules or a serious offense: Blue slip and sit out of the rest of P.E. class.


    I also make sure to tell the teachers how many marks or how well the student did in class that day.



    1. Follow directions
    2. Keep hands and feet to themselves (pushing, kicking, hitting ext...)
    3. Respectful to others and to the teacher
    4. Always try
    5. Sportsmanship




    What We Are Working On By Trimester.

    1st Trimester


    Students will throw and catch different sized objects. Activities will vary depending on the age level of the students

    • Football (use of foot to kick ball)
    • Frisbee (use a frisbee to throw and catch in various activities)
    • Tennis ball target toss(use a tennis ball to strike a target)

    Students will recognize and use skills to meet the standards.

    • Throwing
    • Catching
    • Hand eye coordination

    2nd Trimester


    Students will Perform locomotor skills (Hopping, Galloping, Running, Sliding,Skipping, Leaping) while maintaining balance.)and Manipulative skills ( Dribbling a basketball) . Activities will vary depending on the age level of the students.

    • Basketball (use hands to dribble a basketball)
    • Locomotor warm ups(perform different warm up skills in various ways)
    • volleyball (use hand to strike a ball of different sizes)

    Students will recognize and use skills to meet the standards.

    • Locomotor skills (Hopping, Galloping, Running, Sliding,Skipping, Leaping)
    • Hand eye coordination
    • Body Movements

    3rd Trimester 

    Students will use foot or object to strike a ball.( Activities will vary depending on the age level of the students)

    • Kickball (use of foot to kick ball)
    • Baseball/ Tee Ball (use a bat to strike a ball)
    • Hockey (use a hockey stick to strike a puck)

    Students will recognize and use skills to meet the standards.

    • Balance
    • Hand eye coordination
    • Body Movements
    • Throwing/catching