• Certified Application

    Please fill out this application if you are applying for a Certified Teaching position at the Shepherd School.

    This is a fillable PDF form. If you are having issues saving the information you entered in the form, download the form first, save as a new file, then enter your information and save. 

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  • Classified Application

    Please fill out this application if you are applying to a Classified position at the Shepherd School.

    This is a fillable PDF form. If you are having issues saving the information you entered in the form, download the form first, save as a new file, then enter your information and save. 

    Comments (-1)
  • To apply for a position at Shepherd School District, please fill out one of the attached applications.  

    Completed applications can be sent to the following contact information.  Thank you. 

    EMAIL: c-bermes@shepherd.k12.mt.us

    MAIL: Shepherd School, PO Box 8, Shepherd, MT  59079

    If you have any questions, please contact the District Administration Office at 406-373-5461.